Placenta Encapsulation

The placenta is rich in hormones, protein, vitamins, and hemoglobin.

Benefits of  Consuming The Placenta Include: 

  • Helps Prevent Postpartum Depression

  • Improves Breast Milk Supply

  • Boosts Postpartum Energy Levels

  • Shrinks the Uterus

  • May Prevent Postpartum Hemorrhage and Decrease Postpartum Bleeding

  • May Prevent Iron Deficiency Anemia

Methods of Encapsulation:


The traditional chinese medicine method (TCM), the placenta is washed and drained. First, its steamed with lemon and ginger and then sliced, dried, ground and encapsulated.  This method has been around for many years and has been proven effective. However, it’s worth nothing hormones are heat sensitive.

The RAW method in which the placenta is washed and sliced from a raw state, then dried and dehydrated at a low heat, never going above 115 degrees, then ground and encapsulated. Many choose this as their option since it does preserve more of the natural hormones you lost in labor & delivery.

Making a placenta tincture. Tinctures can be used after capsules pills are gone in order to reduce stress and aid in coping with life’s transitions. Many mothers use their tincture to ease emotional upheavals, anxiety, and stress during PMS, weaning, returning to work, illness, and even perimenopause.


I can also make a print from the placenta that makes a very interesting and beautiful work of art.